Friday, December 16, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011


so sorry I am not posting any pictures today.but I must bring up a topic with my viewers(although not many right now,lol)
you might think I use photoshop on many,if not all,of my pictures.well I will have you know that I do,but not like what you think.
I give my art  brightness,or I crop it.the reason I brought this up is because I have been a witness to many people taking out things in there pictures,and really making a completely different picture in me those are false images.(sorry if that offends anyone,but that is the facts)
thank you for taking the time to reed through this post,till next time,


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Kiki and cy-guy

 I have to say sorry about not posting, to anyone who dose read my post's.And that I am very disappointed in myself  for not taking any pictures within the month of November.but, now that it is December,I have finally taken the pictures my sister has been asking  me to do...and without further ado,here are my niece and nephew.